Visit Dromana Gardens

The garden and woodland extend over 30 acres including 3.5 Km of paths, many of which are looped. Dromana is a haven for natural regeneration which can be observed by the casual visitor. Within the garden there are two architecturally facinating historical ruins worth visiting, The Bastion, an outer fortification/ boat house and the mystical Rock House with it´s ancient graffiti.
The bulb season climaxes with the Bluebell and wild garlic festival in April, along with an abundant collection of rhododendron, magnolia, camellia, azalea, and many other acid loving plants, shrubs and trees. Herbaceous borders offer a continual splash of colour throughout the summer months followed by the superb Autumn array of Hydrangeas, Eucryphias and an ever expanding collection of Japanese maples, resplendent with their Autumn hues bring the year to a close.
Dromana Gardens are a member of R.H.S.I and the ” Gardens of Waterford”. within ten minutes drive there are another two exquisite gardens also open to visitors.